The canard that Islam means “peace”, is a misconception deliberately created by Muslim-apologists to pull wool over the eyes of innocuous Westerners and other non-Muslims. While actually the word Islam comes from and Arabic term for “losing oneself” “submitting” or “surrendering” to the will (of Mohammed). So please, in spite of what Muslims will tell you, do not be deceived by claims that Islam means peace. Islam means “submission”.
The Arabic word for peace is Salam, derived from the same Hebrew word Shalom which also means peace. But “Islam” and “Salam” are two incongruous words that share no common ground either in name or in substance.
We need to know that the root word of Islam is "al-silm" which means "submission" or "surrender." It is not derived from the word “Salam” which means peace, as Muslims will have you believe.
The Quran states: "Oh you who believe, Come, all of you, into submission." (al-Baqara 208). The word “al-silm” in the Arabic original of this verse refers to Islam.
So Islam means "submission to a god" which in the Islamic context meant surrender to Mohammed as long as that murderous lustful fiend lived, and after he was poisoned to death, Islam has meant that we non-Muslims surrender to the Muslims by accepting Islam and along with Islam all of us accept their murderous attitudes, their Arabic language, their hirsute habits of growing beards, their dress code of wearing caps and turbans, long gowns and covering women in tent like Hijab, marry four ladies and have an endless number of kids, and use our heads for only one purpose - nodding it robotically while reciting that instruction Manual of Hate and terror - the Quran!
We need to realize how effortlessly we are led up the garden path by the wily Muslims, to embrace and spout their bluff that “Islam is a religion of peace”.
Mohammed’s self-delusion is evident in the first phrase in Islam
His self delusion was evident in the first sentence that he preached "La ilah ilallah, Mohammed ur Rasulallah" "There is no god, but allah and Mohammed is his Prophet."
This way he had cleverly removed any competition to himself from any other concept of god. He borrowed his idea of god from the main god of the Quraish - Allah whose image was one of the many that were being worshipped at the Kaaba. But with this first statement, Mohammed also placed himself on a pedestal, that was unique. He was the prophet of god and the last prophet at that, so he brooked no competition ever after.
This kind of a flagrant egoism, earned him many detractors. And when he started preaching that all gods other than Allah were false gods, the Meccans panicked. Since the existence of these many gods brought people to Mecca on pilgrimage and earned the Meccans good money. The aristocracy of the Quraish tribe, saw a grave threat to their own position as intercessors between the lay Arabs and the gods in the Kaaba, as with Mohammed's proclamation, it was he alone who was to be recognized as a prophet and intercessor.
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