Mohammed was a paranoid ambitious genius who combined in himself the role of a military strategist, a psychologist, motivator and commander of men. With a harsh childhood in which he lost his parents, he grew to manhood earlier in life than most kids of his age. But the hardships that accompanied his growth from childhood to adolescence made him an epileptic. His epileptic fits were to play a pivotal role in his later life an create an hallucination that some god was talking to him
There is an occurrence in Mohammed’s life that is eloquent on this issue of his mental illness. Once, Mohammed and his foster brother were playing when Halima, his nurse was nursing him in the desert. Suddenly, the foster brother came running to Halima and said that Mohammed was sick. When they went out, they found a young Mohammed behind the bushes with his clothes turned up. It's possible that he was sexually assaulted; however, much later a legend was created partially by Mohammed himself that two angels in grey robe came and one split his chest open and took out the heart and removed a dark clot and then when they weighed him the whole universe weighed less than Mohammed!
The possibility that he was sexually assaulted (sodomized) in his childhood seems to have made him a bitter person and could have accentuated his mental illness, but in spite of this he showed uncanny ability to manipulate and get the results he wanted. In most probabilities, his mental illness could have been a wild form of paranoid schizophrenia.
In his later life, during his 'revelations' he groaned like a she-camel having a baby (which by the way is not a pleasant sound). He had directed his followers to cover him up with a black blanket whenever he suffered from the epileptic fits and that's why he carried this black blanket with him all the time. This narration is the kernel of historical truth that has come down through ages of Arab-Muslim folklore that grew around him.
The lecherous-murderer, Mohammed’s first object of hatred was women. He hated independence for women. Pre-Islamic Arabic women never wore the Hijab (cloak) or Nikab (mask). It was the sick mind of this mass murderer that forced these practices on Muslim ladies and pushed them in to a zenana (Ladies quarters)
Illustration courtesy: Jyllands-Posten – a Danish daily newspaper
In his early life the hardships that were bestowed on him by circumstances coupled with the misfortune of being an epileptic, made him a fiercely determined man. And he nurtured within himself a burning desire to be a leader of men. His caravan journeys that began early in his life gave him an insight into the psychological make-up of the society he lived in.
His personal misfortune in this kind of a harsh environment, had made him bitter since childhood. But this personal misfortune, was set off against his being born in the clan that ruled Mecca a pilgrimage town, where all the Arab tribes came once a year in a ritual called Hajj that centered around an object of worship called the Kaaba (literally a cube).
The Kaaba is actually a meteorite which fascinated the ancient tribal Arabs who were awe-struck by its flaming rush from the skies to land at Mecca. Since that day a legend grew around it that is reflected in the various versions of the Books of Semitic peoples that are known as the Tureth or Torah (the Old Testament of the Bible), the Bible (the New Testament) and the Quran.The word Quran itself is derived from the Arabic root word Qurrah which means to collect, implying that Mohammed collected the content of the Quran from other sources, viz., the Old Testament of the Jews, the New Testament of the Christians.
To this content Mohammed added the bloodcurdling Satanic verses that call for slaying the idolaters. To give legitimacy to his Quran, Mohammed floated the fiction, that the text came from a non-existent god (allah) and so no man could change what has been given by some god. In fact the Quran is basically the same book, as the Bible, with modifications made over a period of time, first by Mohammed himself and later by Islam’s many adherents, after Mohammed’s death
How Mohammed shrewdly grabbed a leadership role, igniting his innate desire to be a leader of men.
Mohammed being a member of the Quraish clan which was in charge of the Kaaba, belonged to a privileged clan. But he did not hold a position of distinction within the clan. The turning event of his life was in the year 610 C.E. when during a dispute within his clan about who would be in charge of the annual repairs to the Kaaba. The clan members decided that the person who at that time walks into the Kaaba first would be in charge of the repairs.
And it so happened that Mohammed came to know of this condition, and the evil genius that he was, he realized that this was his opportunity to thrust himself on a higher pedestal. Next morning when the Meccans had gathered to see who walks towards the Kabba first, came our man Mohammed walking nonchalantly towards the holiest object of the Quraish of Mecca.
Little did the Quraish realize that the person walking towards the Kaaba was not the chosen one, but one who held within him a diabolical genius who by this petty but powerful act grabbed unto himself an exalted position of being in charge of repairs to the Kaaba and paved the way himself to elevate his position in the eyes of the Meccans.
This shrewd and diabolical act of the evil genius Mohammed was to start a trail to bloodshed thru Persia, Byzantine, Egypt, North Africa, Spain, France, Balkans… and of which 9/11 was the most dramatic example a trail which has not ended till today, nor will it end till Islam is brought to its full and final end.
Till that point in time, Mohammed was any other Arab, any other Bedouin, any other Quraish tribal. But from then onwards, his stature changed in the eyes of his compatriots. And most importantly, it changed in his own eyes. He began considering that he had to fulfill a mission, an extraordinary mission. His delusion was nurtured by his being an epileptic and he hallucinated that he was in direct communication with god. He began to rationalize his ideas about his personal grandeur by telling people that god had chosen him as his messenger. His claims were met with ridicule.
Mohammed’s epileptic. fits now began play a pivotal role making him hallucinate that he was in communion with some god
But his innate ambition to be a leader of men, had been fueled by his having managed to be chosen to undertake repairs to the Kaaba. An ambition, which he consciously and deliberately nurtured through his epileptic fits using which he fibbed that god had communicated through the Jibril (the Bedouin word for our angel Gabriel) and commanded him to be the leader of all men by asking for their submission. The concept of submission was so overriding, that the faith he founded was also named Submission or in Arabic Islam.
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